Clinton Green
Clinton Green is an Australian experimental artist and performer. He works with Walkmans, prepared/hacked turntables and found objects as instruments.
“His reason…is to find out why he’s such a damn fool”
– Harry Smith (on himself)
To describe or label Clinton Green and his work is difficult as he is akin to a renaissance-man or polymath. Inventor, environmental sound artist, musician, spoken word artist and physical/visual theatre maker, are all fields of endeavour he investigates…He is continually engaged in a dialectic conversation between himself and the world that surrounds him, his art is a product of that conversation – Paul W. Blackman, “An Artist Walks Through A Doorway: an approach to liminal theatre” (May 2018).
Clinton Green makes something akin to music. He has been active in Australian experimental music since the 1990s as a recording and performing artist, curator, facilitator, writer and researcher. He has worked with unconventional approaches to guitars, turntables and found objects as tools for new forms of musical expression. He has also worked with dancers, theatre and performance artists in improvised collaborative situations, and has developed a performance practice incorporating projections. Clinton runs the Shame File Music label and writes on/researches historical and contemporary aspects of Australian experimental music. He has completed artist residencies in Taiwan (2015) and Cradle Mountain, Tasmania (2017), and has performed/exhibited in Canada, Germany, Spain, Japan, Taiwan, New Zealand, and throughout Australia. His current interests including using deconstructed Walkmans as beat-generating machines, and processing text via compositional procedures and cassettes.
Our releases:
NCT026 – Clinton Green – Lucid Lucid Lucid Lucid Lucid Lucid