“And There Thy Flight Dissolved From View” by Luke Martin & James M. Creed is OUT NOW! | NCTMMRN

“And There Thy Flight Dissolved From View” by Luke Martin & James M. Creed is OUT NOW!

Dear friends,

NCTMMRN is very happy to announce the new release “And There Thy Flight Dissolved From View” by Luke Martin & James M. Creed.

From the artists:
And There Thy Flight Dissolved From View is two duos, both written to play together while Luke visited James in London in the fall of 2022.

An extremely bright, effulgent light engulfed me takes its title from a phrase in Alice Coltrane’s writings (Divine Revelations, 1995), in which she discusses the subject’s uncertain but positive relation to the absolute. the piece considers this relation as an instance of ‘twoness’: the duo, a melodic connection, the dialectic of in/finitude. as a pair we play, again and again, and always strictly separated, one or two tones from a cyclic harmonic sequence – tracing a melody unknown to us and which teeters between presence and absence. an apprehension of twoness, then, may arise not from underlying harmony, nor the notes we choose, but rather from an intersection of separation, chance, and affirmation. from this self-effacing ‘place’ there is the possibility of constructing, without reason, something without end: a friendship, a melody.

Two Guitars uses live looping to slowly create two masses of sound which both gradually expand and develop their own contours. These sounds continually change and negotiate how they share the same space, before fading to reveal a simple, delicate melody that had already been occurring for some time.

The pieces were first played at The Hill Station in South-East London, and recorded the next morning in James’s room overlooking the Catford Road with the windows open.

HANDMADE LIMITED EDITION CDR is available from 06 OCTOBER 2023, pre-orders are open now!


Luke Martin | James M. Creed - And There Thy Flight Dissolved From View (NCT025)